What Brought Me Here?

  • You became aware that you are loved and valued by God over all that there is in this world.
  • You realized that you were separated from God because of your sins and therefore lost in a hopeless darkness called eternal death.
  • You have understood and believed that Jesus Christ is the only son of God and that he paid the penalty for your rebellion by dying a violent death on the cross.
  • And, that Jesus rose from the dead and is Lord over everything – including now you!

What Just Happened?

  • You are now a child of God and have eternal life.
  • You are completely forgiven of all your sins – they literally no longer exist in God’s eyes.
  • You are a new creation and are no longer a slave to sin.
  • The Holy Spirit has come to dwell inside of you and has made your spirit alive – giving you the ability to have a personal relationship with God.
  • You are healed, set free, made whole, and filled with the power of His life!

Now What?

  • A new direction. Turn from all the ways that first got you in the mess of being separated from God. Your old self was nailed to the cross with Jesus and you were made new in his resurrection. 
  • Talk to God in prayer. You have the boldness now to approach him because of Jesus representing you in the presence of the Father. Speak whatever is on your heart as often as possible.
  • Read God’s word. The best way to get to know someone is to listen to their words and become familiar with their personality. The Bible is God’s heart on full display.  
  • Join a family. Find a church that teaches the whole bible and connect with like minded believers. 
  • Go public. Getting baptized is a very powerful way to express your death and new life in Christ to the world. 
  • Ask for more. Ask God (out loud) for an overflow of the Holy Spirit. Let Him flow out of you to others around you and see what happens.
  • Grow. Seek to learn as much as possible about being a christian and finding out who you are in Christ. 
  • Ask for help. Being in the family of God means that you are a part of a vast network of believers that care for one another. We all need each other…God will send you the right person at the right time to help you when you need it – you just have to step out in faith to receive it (meaning that sometimes you have to ask). 

Go Deeper?

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