MyNextStep.Life is a super simple tool that’s meant to help with disciplining new believers (the “unchurched”) who lack basic understanding of the Gospel. There is vast amount of people living right now that have never really heard the Gospel (the too good to be true news) or posses basic knowledge of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

This tool was designed to fill in the gap between leading someone to the Lord and following up with discipleship. 

Please go here to find out more and view the demo

Yes. It is free forever. After setting this up for myself it occurred to me that anyone can benefit from this tool. So I decided to scale it up in such a way as to allow each individual to have the same experience. 

Absolutely. You choose what you want to include in your pages design.  If you only want the web page and the cards, without adding a video greeting, listing your church, or leaving any contact information – then don’t fill those sections out on the form.

You can send me an email and request as many as you like. I do ask for at least a $5 donation per each additional sets of 25 cards to help cover all the costs involved. Feel free to make your own cards up if you like…Your web page address is really the only thing that needs to present on them.


First off, the video needs to be in a YouTube format. If you have a YouTube account you can simply upload a video shot on your phone to their site. Usually you can select “share to YouTube” on one of your saved videos and it will automatically upload it to your account. Once your video is present on YouTube just copy the video address (URL) and  paste it into our form. 

You can access YouTube via your Google account or just create a new Google account.

How to video: Here


There are several very well established ministries already offering ways for you to lead people to the Lord and then follow up with discipleship. There is The Billy Graham Society, The Navigators, Campus Crusade, WYWAM, and just about every major ministry provides great tools that far exceeds anything here. The problem is, that they have become weighed down and too complex for brand new believers to access. Not to mention how some want to hit you up for financial support at every turn. 

This tool was designed to quickly get to the new born believers and form a sure foundation before the enemy tries to steal the word from them. Yes, it is a super simple tool, but try and remember back when you first came to the Lord and how clueless you were… Could you have benefited from something like this then?

That’s why we are called the body of Christ…All the parts work together to further the Kingdom. Anything you see on this site or in the email lessons are free to use (or not to use) please feel free to create your own site in any way that is conducive to your own beliefs. The only thing that matters is that we preach the gospel to every person and then disciple them into the image of Jesus. I believe we all want to hear the same thing out of Gods mouth when we finally stand before him “well done my good and faithful servant” 

I created this tool as a response to the conviction of the Holy Spirit after I heard a sermon that said it was reckless and irresponsible to just lead someone to the Lord and not disciple them.  I knew that it might not be possible to disciple each person in an effective way – so I designed a way for them to receive solid foundational teachings with email lessons. I also found a way to connect with anyone that might need one-on-one help by listing my church and my contact info. The video idea was just a way to continue the conversation started at the beginning when we first met. 

I decided that I couldn’t charge anyone for creating web pages and providing cards to hand out because it was part of our great commission from Jesus. Although there are a great many steps involved and a few “out of pocket” expenses that go into all of this, I figured I would offer a way for anyone to leave a “donation” if they are inclined to. If the Lord blesses this and it grows into something bigger, then I plan on setting it up as a 501-C ministry. 

…that’s why the donate link takes a bit of searching to find.

I would love to respond to any questions you might have about setting up or even how to share the gospel. Here is my contact email: Kevin@mynextstep.life

We are also providing a private Facebook group for anyone who signs up to use the tool. This should be a great way to encourage one another and share our experiences with one another. Information and an invitation will be sent in an email once you’ve finished setting up your page.


This will also be the name of the page that you will send people to... Example: Username "Kevin" becomes https://mynextstep.life/kevin
Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.
There is only one true answer on this one...get it wrong and your registration will not be processed. This to protect from spammers and trolls.