The Kingdom of God

   When the Bible refers to The Kingdom of God it is not necessarily talking about a visible representation like we would see here on earth now. That’s the mistake that the disciples made during their walk with Jesus while he was alive – they were looking for a King that would rule on a throne setup in a kingdom. Jesus was clear that the Kingdom of God meant something different. He taught that the “kingdom” represented a place where God was ruling or “lording” over, and that it was in our hearts. Again, not our physical hearts that pump blood, but our very deep center (where our spirit dwells). Whenever we are doing the word of God we are present in the kingdom, and we bring the kingdom with us as we share the gospel. 


  1. The Gospel of the Kingdom was the primary message of Jesus

( Matthew 4:23, 13:11, 24:14, 25:1, Luke 11;20, Acts 1:3 )

  1. The Gospel of the Kingdom must be your ( and the church’s ) primary message

( Matthew 10:7, 24:14 )

  1. The Gospel of the Kingdom is your Kingdom lifestyle ( Matthew 6:33 )
  1. Your Kingdom lifestyle must be evident in righteousness, peace, joy and (faith)

power ( Romans 14:17, 1 Corinthians 4:20 )

  1. The Kingdom message and its righteousness is a benchmark of endtime preaching,

namely a summons to the righteousness of the Kingdom as in the days of Noah.

 ( Matthew 24:36-39 ) – It is not a new message.

  1. The Kingdom lifestyle is a lifestyle “in the Spirit” ( Romans 14:17 )

This lifestyle in the Spirit includes:

  1. It is a lifestyle not produced out your own abilities, but in response to God’s

love, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey the rule of the King

 ( Zechariah 4:6, Ephesians 3:16 )

  1. It is a “walk in the Spirit” ( Galatians 5:16,25 ) evidenced through ……
  2. a) the inner work begins in the heart ( 1 Samuel 16:7 ) confessed by the

 mouth ( Matthew 12:34 ) both in declaring what God’s Word says

and what you believe as revealed in God’s Word.

  1. b) the outer work of obedience to the Spirit in deed ( James 1:22 ) heart

 plus mouth plus hands (deeds) add up to your witness to others

 ( Matthew 24:14, Acts 1:8 ) also known as the sanctified life including

 fruit of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:22,23 )

  1. c) signs and wonders: your witness is confirmed by signs and wonders 

 ( Mark 16:20 ) including Gifts of the Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 12:1-11,

 Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11,12 )

  1. d) joy when tested: your life in the Spirit produces joy when tested

 ( 1 Peter 1:6-9 )

  1. e) evidence: the inner (invisible) work and outer (visible) work of the Holy

 Spirit are evidence that your “walk” is truly “led by the Spirit” ( Romans

8:14 ). Any other lifestyle is rebellion

Power ( 1 Corinthians 4:20, Luke 9:1,2, Matthew 28:18,19 )

Kingdom power is faith power. It is the power of faith to believe the Holy Spirit

is with you all the time to enable you and help you walk in the power and authority of the

believer. This faith power enables and empowers you to trust in a …..

  1. faith to believe God for His Word for your life
  2. faith to believe God for His Word for others
  3. faith to believe you are able by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit

 to obey God’s Word

  1. faith to believe you have authority in Jesus’ name to carry out the commands

 of His Kingdom

  1. You have authority and faith power to…
  2. a) Evangelize the world ( Matthew 28:19 )
  3. b) Cast out demons ( Luke 9:1 )
  4. c) Heal diseases ( Luke 9:1 )
  5. d) In His name… ( Mark 16:17,18 ) to further the cause of His Kingdom

 and its righteousness by

 1) taking authority over all the evil spiritual world

 2) taking authority over the world of communication including what

 you say and how you pray

 3) taking authority over the harmful animal world

 4) taking authority over the harmful chemical world of pollution

 5) taking authority over the sickness and disease world of infirmity

 6) faith that finds expression in you in complete trust in God, in

 Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit.


  1. The word “abide” means “continue” ( John 8:31,32 ). Jesus said that the mark of a

true disciple, or the quality of a real follower is the degree to which he or she

“continues” in the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the Kingdom of God.

  1. Abiding or “continuing” is abiding faith – a faith that continues and grows regardless

of circumstances or events.

  1. Those who “abide” will experience real and lasting freedom from the curse of the

law, a curse that includes: condemnation, fear, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, anxiety,

and worry, just to name some ( John 16:33 , 8:36 ).

  1. Abiding is not discipling or academic study in doctrines, creeds, church order,

systems, laws and traditions. Nor is Abiding simply adhering to a legal code of

behaviour and cultural conditioning, whose goal is behaviour modification. Abiding is

an abiding and continuing relationship with the King through His Lordship over


  1. Spiritual growth is accomplished by “abiding”
  1. Spiritual freedom is the result of spiritual growth in the truth of the Kingdom of God.

As the Holy Spirit leads you to discover that Kingdom, He reveals the “giver” of that

truth to you. His name is Jesus Christ and it Jesus Christ who sets you free, not your

religious duty, compliance with divine law, or observance of religious ceremony.

  1. Abiding faith must grow from “milk” to “meat” ( Hebrews 5:12,13,14 )
  1. Growth is necessary to enable to you make quality decisions based on the wisdom

of the rule of Jesus, as He governs your affairs for which you must take responsibility

when you make decisions that affect your life.

  1. To abide in Jesus is a choice:

You must choose freedom or bondage 

Freedom is the choice of trust ( Romans 8:15 ). Bondage is the choice of

fear ( Proverbs 29:25 ).

The Kingdom of God begins ( mysteriously ) within 

Matthew 13: 11,12 – The Kingdom’s mysteries are ours to know and according to

Luke 17:20,21 – The Kingdom of God is within us ( KJV ) in our midst ( NASB )

The Kingdom of God is the truth of Jesus’s present day work in us through the

Holy Spirit. The truth of the Kingdom within will bring balance to all other teachings.