Winning souls...
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone". Mark 16:15
Jesus has paid in full for every single person – alive, dead, and not yet born that they may have eternal life and gain full access to God. The good news is that it doesn’t cost anything for anyone to accept this fact, they just have to believe. It’s not as complicated as we all make it out to be…
For instance, sharing good news, bad news, or practically anything these days is so commonplace that we don’t even realize how second nature it has become. People like to tell other people just about everything in every way possible – just look at all the social media platforms. Have you ever received some information that you were so excited about and you just couldn’t hold in? Like the birth of a child, a promotion, your team winning, or falling in love – you just can’t help yourself from sharing it.
Jesus not only commanded us to share the good news of his arrival, but also of his return – that’s the gospel in a nutshell. It shouldn’t be difficult at all for us to tell others about what Jesus means to us, it’s as easy as sharing. And, if the conversation progresses, tell them about who Jesus is and what he did for us. Ask the Holy Spirit to assist you and simply have a conversation with them straight from the heart.
It's only half of the command
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
Jesus also told us to go and make disciples – which means to teach others how to be made in His image. A christian should be recognized by how much they reflect Jesus to the world around them… Follow Jesus and teach others to follow him by example.
Birthing new believers into the kingdom is only half of the command Jesus gave us. Not even wild animals give birth to babies and then leave them to survive on their own. At the very least we need to nurture new believers with the basics of the Word – building a solid foundation for them to stand firm on. But, that’s not always the case when it comes to leading others to the Lord. Sometimes it is just impossible to follow up with them and make sure they continue in their new found faith. MyNextStep.Life was created to help you lay the foundation for them to grow in the Lord in just a few easy steps.
Take a look at the sample page first
Here's How It Works
As soon as you lead someone to the Lord, hand them a card with your own personal web page address that easily explains the whole process of becoming a new believer. It also gives them the opportunity to learn more about what they should do next to grow in faith through a series of 12 lessons sent to their email. The foundational lessons are designed to strengthen and encourage as they progress.
We will create a unique web page with the name you choose.
For example: name
You can choose to add a video greeting to your page

You can add the name of your church and a link to their website or Facebook page.

You can even leave your contact email for them if they need prayer or have any questions.

You will receive 25 cards with the web page address to hand out to anyone you lead to the Lord.
Front of card

Back of card

Disciple Lessons
Here is an example of the first email lesson sent to a new believer. We are assuming that this is their first exposure to everything christian – so we start out with a simplified introduction.
The Back Story
Lesson #1
God is and always will be – He is eternal and he is perfect love. His character is without any faults or defects and evil cannot exist within him. It is impossible for him to lie so therefore everything he speaks is pure truth. In fact, the very words he speaks obey him and become a force of power unto themselves. The bible says that by His words He created the heavens and the earth and everything in it.
After creating the earth God created man and woman to live on it. He gave them full reign over the whole earth and told them to make it beautiful. God’s original plan for the earth was for it to be a place where He and man could coexist. Man was created in the likeness of God – which means that he was able to approach God in the same pureness of heart as God (relate to him) and they were a family. Instead of being content with all the goodness God had given them and trusting in His perfect design, they believed that they could improve on it and actually wanted to become more like God himself. They essentially rejected God’s way in favor of their own “new” way and rebelled against him which resulted in catastrophic consequences. Man now was separated from God and could no longer have that deep relationship they once shared. The Family was broken and man was now ruled by evil that resulted in death. God never intended it to stay that way, and from the very beginning he promised that one day they would be a family again.
Now, because God is perfect love he provided many opportunities for mankind to come back to the original plan. God chose one family – the Jewish nation Israel to be a blessing to the whole earth and help restore God’s original intent. But that family continued in the same footsteps of the first family and turned away from his patient love. In every failed attempt by mankind God never stopped promising that one day our relationship would be restored and evil destroyed.
Then, at just the right time God himself came in the person of Jesus Christ. He laid down all rights to operate as God while he lived as a man among us showing us the way to restoration. Jesus lived perfectly and walked in pure love while reflecting the true image of God. He laid down his life by receiving the full penalty of our rebellion and died as an innocent sacrifice on the cross. Evil thought that it had won by killing God, but on the third day he rose from the dead – essentially buying back the rights to earth and providing a way for all mankind to enter back into fellowship with God through belief in Jesus. One day he will return to this earth as the conquering King, completely destroying evil and restoring the Kingdom back to its original glory. We shall live with God once again as a family on the new earth just like in the beginning.